c# Difference between ASP NET Core .NET Core and ASP.NET Core .NET Framework

It is not required to install .Net framework to run core with .net core application. An ASP.NET Core application with .net core is a console app that creates a web server in its Main method. Same as .NET Core, it was architected modular with minimum overhead, and then other more advanced features can be added as NuGet packages as per application requirement. This results in high performance, require less memory, less deployment size, and easy to maintain. We’ve added 500+ learning opportunities to create one of the world’s most comprehensive free-to-degree online learning platforms.

what is asp net framework

The ASP.NET Core framework has been rewritten, but has a high degree of compatibility with its predecessor. Previously separate components of ASP.NET were merged into the Core version. Furthermore, some components were redeveloped and retained their existing names. For example, the SignalR Framework exists in both ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core versions. For cases where application logic is less important than a sophisticated layout and design, ASP.NET Web Pages are a good choice. Like classic ASP or PHP, a combination of static HTML structures and dynamic code components takes place within a file so that a special syntax is used.


But only a small portion of that data is actually analyzed – the tip of the iceberg.

what is asp net framework

ASP.NET is still supported and updated, but moving forward the focus for Microsoft is to develop the new cross-platform version. The server doesn’t need .NET Core installed – the dependencies can be bundled with the application. For ASP.NET Core-hosted Blazor apps, the Blazor Web App template with the WebAssembly interactive render mode should be used.

ASP.NET based on .NET Framework (Prior to ASP.NET core)

The ASP.NET Core framework supported side-by-side versioning so that different applications being developed on a single machine can target different versions of ASP.NET Core. To find a role that uses ASP.NET and aligns with your long-term career goals, it’s important to put in the prep work. This includes learning how to answer technical ASP.NET interview questions or demonstrate your understanding what is through an assignment. You’ll also want to know how to launch ASP.NET, use its drag-and-drop model, and navigate its many components to create powerful, high-performing web applications. They can be used when the Model-View-Controller pattern represents unnecessary overhead. For example, if you want to build a landing page, it can be implemented as a Razor Page with little effort.

what is asp net framework

Microsoft launched ASP.NET web framework along with .NET Framework 1.0 in 2002. However, the development of ASP.NET 5 was stopped in favor of

ASP.NET Core. At Umbraco we have 2 major releases every year, and will upgrade to the newest version of the .NET Framework once a year so Umbraco stays on the latest version. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge that you have read and understand our privacy policy and code of conduct.

ASP.NET Core Version History

The ASP.NET includes the base libraries from the .NET framework but also includes libraries for common web patterns. One such library is Model View Controller (MVC), which enables you to use the MVC design pattern for designing web apps and sites. The MVC pattern lets you build a web application as a composition of three roles – a business layer, a display layer, and input control. You can use a wide range of programming languages to build ASP.NET applications, such as C#, Visual Basic, and F#. Cloud computing has established itself as the dominant model when it comes to IT infrastructure.

What to know about building microservices with ASP.NET Core – TechTarget

What to know about building microservices with ASP.NET Core.

Posted: Fri, 22 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

These libraries enable enhanced performance and API consistency while ensuring full compatibility with Native Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation. The latest release of .NET 8 Release Candidate 2 brings significant additions and changes to ASP.NET Core. This release is planned to be the last one before the final version of .NET 8 is released. The most notable enhancements for this release of ASP.NET Core are related to the Blazor alongside the updates regarding the Identity, API Authoring, SignalR, and new SPA templates for CLI.


The work of IIS is to provide the web application’s generated HTML code result to the client browser which initiates the request as shown in the below diagram. The biggest advantage of ASP.NET – the use of the Microsoft-specific ecosystem – is also its main disadvantage. That’s because web development is otherwise largely built on free and open platforms, languages, and formats. Developers diving into the .NET universe for the first time are presented with a bewildering array of versions and programming models. ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core provides a mature environment for developing a wide variety of web projects.

  • With the release of ASP.NET Core, a change in the organization of the framework took place.
  • Notepad is one of the examples of an application based on the client.
  • With ASP, static HTML and code components were mixed in one and the same file.
  • They could use the tools they were familiar with for “Rapid Application Development” (RAD).
  • After decades of development, the framework persists today as ASP.NET Core.
  • Nowadays, modern methods such as reactive programming, WebSockets, and WebAssembly are used.

This makes Blazor roughly comparable to React, Angular, and Vue technologies. In contrast to the original ASP, Web Forms were a step towards separation of concerns. With ASP, static HTML and code components were mixed in one and the same file. With Web Forms, the separation into template and Code Behind files occurred.

Umbraco uses the ASP.NET Core Framework

In summary, ASP.NET is roughly comparable with Java frameworks such as “Struts” or “Spring”. The original “Active Server Pages” (ASP) was the first server-side scripting language published by Microsoft. Active Server Pages let you create dynamic web pages on the server since 1996.

what is asp net framework

The source code of the project is available under an open-source license. Furthermore, in .NET 8 RC2, changes have been made to the Blazor WebAssembly project templates. The Blazor WebAssembly App template is now named Blazor WebAssembly Standalone App since it no longer includes the ASP.NET Core hosted option. The HTTP logging middleware now offers enhanced extensibility with several new features.


The initial blog post outlined specific known issues, with plans for resolution in the upcoming .NET 8 release. Additionally, the original announcement blog post contains an engaging comment section, encouraging interaction between the community and the .NET team. It is advisable for readers to delve into it for valuable additional insights about the RC 2 release. Blazor has introduced support for injecting keyed services using the [Inject] attribute. This enables the scoping of service registration and consumption when using dependency injection, providing more flexibility in managing services.

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